16 years..i have never thought i would be into football...never once...and honestly...i didn't even give a rat's ass about it..the only reason why i supported Manchester United was becoz they seem to be very popular..and they look like they know what they're doing...and the only reason why i didn't support Chelsea was because..well..i don't like that shade of blue =.= and when fifa started this year...my reaction towards football was still the same... nothing... nada.. zilch..
that's when i saw that Astro commercial...the one with messi and lampard in it..well..then..i didn't really now it WAS lampard...all I thought was 'who is this guy???'..the curiosity continues when I got the football poster from KFC and the same face's there...and once again..with Messi in it too...and then i bought the galaxie magazine...the one with Cristiano Ronaldo on the cover...in that particular issue...there was a seven page spread of football news and gossips..so that's there I found out bout gerrard, terry, cole, and ferdinand..and no lampard's story wasn't there...and there's also a Fifa calendar...so that I can keep track of the games..but like i said earlier..i didn't give a damn about football...so I never really bothered even looking at that page..but boy do I love gossips :D
Wednesday..It was the second week of the Mid-Term holidays..Fifa just started..and a few of the matches have passed and have been payed without me having the urge to even watch them...and that very night...that's when I had that dream
Iman's Totally Unexpected DreamI went to a football camp with my teammates (yes, that's the funny part)...and imagine this..in one big team..there's two small ones..soo...I'm in the same team as the England team (yes, that's the unexpected part)...and we share the same dorm and stuff... so we introduced ourselves and stuff..andI met Gerrard, Cole, Terry, Rooney, Drogba??, and Owen LOL....and no, lampard wasn't there...ok so after that..we had some shooting and passing activities...(btw I'm actually pretty good at it :D in my dream..of course)...and after the activities...I tried to find my other teammates..but they were not there... apparently..they went to eat at Papa John's WITHOUT even telling me :( so they ditched me and stuff....so i was kinda depressed..then miraculously.. some of the england payers actually came and talked to me..and I swear..John Terry was freakin' friendly i tell you! we actually became best friends and stuff LOL...

One of the friendliest guys I have ever met..dream or no dream :D
When i woke up the next morning...(my brother woke me up =.= )...I felt supremely energetic... and in my dream..i met a lot of people who..i don't know LOL...but their faces look oddly familiar..So i googled a few of them..eventually...I found the fifa webpage..and I literally researched EVERY SINGLE PLAYER there is who's playing for fifa....and that's how I met Lampard..the awesome st player ever (sorry min, i just had to steal your line :D)..and that's when I read about his story..which is supemely sad...and for him to be able to cope emotionally after everything that happened...it proves that he is strong in and out of the field :D and for that..i look up to him..

and after the dream...I actually started watching football..every match..every highlight..every goal (lol i sound like some astro beyond commercial :D)..and I've been supporting England ever since...
So what if they lost against Germany...So what everyone calls me sucky everytime i wear my England T-Shirt...so what if I'm addicted to a team that barely made it out the knockout stages...They're still my favourite team..coz they're the ones who made me like football in the first pace..:D so credits to them....
and even now..i think I'm supporting chelsea than MU...coz they have better players heh..:P but one thing about chelsea that I don't like...the BLUE OMG...i like blue and all..but not that shade of blue please... but i swear...their black jerseys are DAMN NICE..OMG I WANT!!!

See...damn nice ritee???

I know it's not a jersey...but it's sooo freakin nice OMG
kay..umm..soo how do I end this?? =.=
soo...football is not just a sport...it's a passion..a feeling of love in which players, fight for what they believe in..It's not just a sport..It's a way of life (cheh wah)..and the feeling you get when your favourite team scores..It's one of those little things in life which is worth living for :D peace